Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee

Agenda Item 49 (d) 


Subject:                    Women’s safety in the city


Date of meeting:    12 January 2023


Proposer:                 Councillor Simson

Seconder:                Councillor Bagaeen


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Conservative Group



This committee:


1)    Recognises serious concerns regarding safety of women in some of the City’s public spaces, for example at Pavilion Gardens and New Road;


2)    Notes infrastructure improvements used by councils to improve safety in the public domain include layered lighting, CCTV and gating;


3)    Considers that such infrastructure improvements to improve women’s safety in the city could be delivered through the Council’s planning system through the expenditure of developer contributions;


4)    Requests that a report be brought forward outlining how a proportion of the £23,574,569 of unspent Section 106 contributions (Obligation Category); and £386,180 of unspent Community Infrastructure Levy contributions could be devoted to these purposes.


Supporting Information: